Monday, March 7, 2011

Slush, Slop, Slide...Beauty

Valley de Cocora was an adventure, a muddy one! It has been raining off and on since we arrived in Salento on Saturday, sometimes just a sprinkle and at other times, pouring. We waited until the day started out sunny to trek the Valley where wax palms rule. The weather changed quickly and although we avoided getting wet while hiking, the paths were pure mud. Sharing saturated foot paths with horses is a bad deal~ their four hooves really churn it up, digging deep holes that even the high-topped Wellington boots we borrowed from the hostel found overwhelming! As much as we could we tried to balance on the edges of the paths avoiding the barbed wire fence, luckily. But it was a wet, dirty walk.

Our hopes of reaching the top of the mountain were smashed as we came to a fast moving river that 'this horse' just refused to cross! If you had fallen from this bridge 'constructed' from three moss covered logs you would have been soaked or possibly injured seriously, if not drowned! (I'm sounding older than I am, but really, was it worth it?)

It was a good decision to turn around when we did because by the time we reached the jeep pickup we were tuckered out. The young English couple that did get to the top reported on returning to the hostel that it was so cloudy at the top they couldn't see past their noses and it rained on them as they came down. Whew!

The wax palms were so impressive I have had a tough time choosing which photos to post, here are a FEW of my favorites!

The transport to and from the valley was excitement in itself as twelve people stood body to body in and around the outside of a small jeep holding on for dear life as the road, you guessed it, wound tightly around and around, up and down the hilly terrain. It was a exhilarating view to the beginning of the trail. We lucked out on the return trip and sat smooshed upfront with the driver.

Keith and I took the hike at a leisurely pace, stopping to rest and take photos all along the trail, it was gorgeous!

We chatted with various hikers as we passed, including this group of soldiers who Keith talked into this pose. They didn't seem to understand his position, but they welcomed us to their country as proud Colombians do.

Yesterday, Salento was in full motion with the many day trippers that came from near and far to enjoy the pleasant small town climate. Joining in the fun we strolled through many shops filled with colorful art and climbed 237 steps to the top of the hill at the end of Calle Real, the main tourist pedestrian street to enjoy a pretty vista of Salento and the Valley of Cocora in the distance.

This has been a comfortable and relaxing stop in the Coffee country!


  1. Yeah Plants!!!! I'm glad to see you have taken some intrest in the plants (that would be my favorite part). Great pics.... Keep up the good work.

  2. By the way, you are approaching 1000 views. That sounds like alot to me.
