Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bocas Del Toro, Ahhh...the Caribbean Blue!

On Tuesday morning we took a short plane ride to Bocas Del Toro on the Island of Colon on the Caribbean side of Panama. The plane was small, but was full and not too choppy. We landed right in town on a short runway, just three blocks from La Veranda, a small hostel with a broad wraparound covered porch on the second floor, perfect for enjoying the evening breezes. Luckily the heat isn't bad this month and we have had light rains for a short while each day and during the night, which makes sleeping comfortable.
The Town of Bocas is a true gringo hangout, which is good for eating out, lots of variety. Yesterday we dined on Indian food that was really excellent and today had fresh salads, sandwiches and enchiladas sitting out on the waterside watching boats filled with divers return after their day excursions.

Today we took a bus 30 minutes to the other side of this island to Starfish Beach. It was lovely and we hiked up the beach quite a ways hoping to spot starfish. We didn't see any but the jungle plant life inland and the blue waters lapping the shoreline made for a delightful walk to our picnic spot and back again.

Tomorrow we will take a water taxi to Island Bastimentos where we will stay right next to Red Frog Beach. When we mentioned our destination to a local artist this afternoon he told us it was a most beautiful spot. I'm sure we will enjoy lazing on that beach even more than here in the 'big town' of this area.

We are all getting along wonderfully. Shana's knee is feeling better now and she had a spot of traveler's tummy last night but woke up this morning chipper and ready to enjoy the day. We are all going down to bed to read early tonight. It seems the more you relax, the more relaxing time you need!

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