Saturday, February 19, 2011

Raquira, WOW! What Color!

On Friday Keith & I took a thirty minute bus ride to Raquira, a most colorful town that specializes in ceramic pottery.

The square was darling, filled with ceramic statues of townspeople.
Two little boys were playing in the fountain and insisted we take their picture.

Notice the fountain itself...typical little boy!

We had the daily special at a restaurant in the square. The soup was filled with itty-bitty pieces of cow's tongue. We have decided we don't like the taste of food that can taste you back!

The pottery 'outlet' store was amazingly giant and the prices were so low that it was sad that we couldn't purchase anything. Oh, the possibilities if this store was local!

After walking in and out of stores stocked with colorful junk, much of which was straight from China, we boarded a bus bound toward Villa de Leyva. Unfortunately the driver was a young man who was showing off for his friend and drove over 100 km per hr, twice the speed limit, through the very curvy roads. We were both bracing ourselves with arms and legs, desperately looking for a seatbelt, which of course have been disengaged. Luckily we made it to an intermediate stop where we caught a different small van back to town.
Today, Saturday, was market day so we got an early start for the center.

Keith was so excited to buy a new 'old man' hat. He has had others but somehow he always tends to give them away. Today the price was too high to start with but after Keith walked away the seller approached him with a deal, give me what you offered plus the hat on your head. So Keith no longer will be sporting the Juan Valdez look.

After his big buy we needed to restock our money supply so I stopped at a funny money machine. I kept getting the message that my security code was incorrect. After three tries, it denied access completely. Not only that machine but every one in town!
We quickly entered an internet cafe and called my credit union (closed for the LONG weekend), the VISA service center (they can't help with password problems) and the CU service center (who also doesn't help with VISA problems). Two lessons learned today~ #1- also get cash before the weekend begins! & #2- make sure your VISA/bank has 24 hour assistance!! The problem of paying our bill here at the guest house was solved by charging at their friend's business and luckily I had some extra cash hidden in our bags that should pull us through until Tuesday when the JCU reopens. OH, MY! That ruined our plans for the afternoon because of the time spent solving the crisis of the day, but at least it is solved! Ahhh the joys of traveling!

I'll end today's blog with this great picture of Keith's beautiful curly locks, which look much more silver in person!

1 comment:

  1. That is an amazing shot of keith's curly locks. I know that I say this alot, but you guys are taking some amazing pics...
