Monday, January 31, 2011

Our New Home Away From Home? Guatape On The Lake

We have found a town that we might enjoy staying for a month or so at the end of the trip, Guatape, about two hours by bus from Medellin. Sunday we took the steep road that curved through the mountains just northeast of Medellin to the town of 5,800 people. On the weekends it bustles with tourists, but during the week it's very quiet.

The lake snakes around lush green hills at this mountain top location. One famous site in the area is a rock that rises over a thousand feet straight up, it's an impressive sight!

The town is very well cared for with an unique style. Each home or business has it's own set of embossed, brightly painted scenes formed into the cement wall. The woodwork over the windows and the balcony handrails are also elaborately painted in contrasting colors. Along with the various pots of flowers, fancy lightposts and cobblestone streets, it creates a very happy place.

Walking down by the lakeside we met a couple who make and sell fresh empanadas from a little building that has been in the man's family for generations.

We stopped to sample a few and chat for a while, very friendly people. They suggested a spot for an inexpensive, delicious lunch so we headed about eight blocks further up the road.

Our lunch was authentic Antioquan food and we were treated to a bit of live music as well.

After lunch we wandered around town and started discussing the possibility of renting a small place here for the month in March after our trip to the coast. We saw a place advertising apartments and stopped in to see a couple of spaces, one of each would suit us just fine.

After we walked back to the center we decided to go back to the empanada stand to ask the couple there if they knew anyone with a small rental property. The couple's young children, a girl aged 7 and a boy of 9, were there and we practiced English with them. The man tried to make a couple of calls to friends of his with spaces and when he was unable to reach them by phone he took his children's hands and led us all down the boardwalk to a nice restaurant to speak with the owner. Again, this is how Paisas operate, never too busy with their own work to help a friend, even if they have just met. We didn't find any housing yet, but we don't think it would be difficult if we returned.

Keith also had his beard trimmed before we hopped back on the bus for the ride down the narrow, winding road back to Medellin.

We had a wierd experience on the bus when a young man standing in the aisle asked Keith to hold his backpack so that he could get something to drink. He pulled out a bottle of the local moonshine and proceeded to take long gulps. After about five of these swigs of pure alcohol he was becoming more and more drunk and obnoxious. Keith told him that he needed to move somewhere else and quit drinking so heavily because he was clearly over his limit, the drunk young person became a bit surly. Luckily some people disembarked so that seats were available and the bus driver insisted he sit down. When he finally decided to get off himself he could hardly walk, a sad situation, he was an easy target for trouble!

On Saturday we took a short tour of the center of Medellin stopping by two large churches including the Cathedral. We were shocked to find street vendors selling hard core porn right outside the church doors, ready for the crowd leaving mass at noon.
Saturday night we went with Charlie and Becca, two young travelers staying here at the Art House with us, to another Intercambio and then the theater. The traffic getting from the bar of the Intercambio to the Theater was intense, passing through many people selling things on the sidewalks, much like an impromptu garage sale in a busy road at night!
We were lucky enough to arrive just before the play started but could only find seats on the extreme side of the small theater so I was unable to hear clearly. Even if I were able to hear every word I'm sure I wouldn't have understood each word. The play was about six individuals waiting in an office for jobs. It was a comedy and the acting was great, even if we missed all the meaning we were able to follow and enjoy. We went out afterwards with Charlie's teacher, Carmen, who we had to dinner on Thursday. Her twin sister, Lina, two aunts and a couple of German girls here to volunteer for a year were also part of our group. What friendly, engaging people, we had a blast teaching them all to say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'. We are spreading the culture of Mary Poppins all over South America!

Another amazing thing that makes Medellin a very livable city is that they close the main highway in the center of town down to vehicles on Sunday morning until early afternoon so that families can ride bikes, walk or skate through the center of the city for many miles, cool idea!

Today we must get ready to move on to our next stop, Cartagena! We have been invited to coffee at GozArte by the owner, Carmen and Lina's cousin, Marale. Another Paisa reaching out to make our stay in Colombia special!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Day To Remember, Thanks To Our Gracious Host, Fernando!

Fernando offered to take us out for the day and we eagerly accepted, we had such a wonderful time learning about the city from this generous person on previous occasions. Carla was also invited and brought along her professional camera, which proved worth it's extreme weight. She took a lot of very nice pictures, many that I am using for today's post are hers.

Fernando once again picked us up and took us on a tour, this time pointing out potential apartmens with approximate prices when Keith mentioned that we would consider living in Medellin in the future because we have loved being here so much.

Our first stop was lunch at Crepes and Waffles where we were treated to delicious, well-presented taste treats incuding a chocolate chip waffle to share for dessert.

We then drove up, up, up a mountain road to Fernando's beautiful estate. What a house!!! It sits on five acres of land backed by virgin subtropical forest. His nearest neighbor cannot even be seen. It was an honor to spend time touring the comfortable home, the smell of the various woods inside was intoxicating!

The hours passed as we discussed a wide variety of topics, personal and political. Fernando is very knowledgeable about world history but I was most touched when he described his appreciation for Americans. He was fortunate enough to attend first, community college, and then the university in northern California during the late 60s. He lived with an older couple at that time who took his older brother and him into their home as their own. He spoke lovingly of the experience there. Fernando also told us of the various odd jobs that he had during his college years in the states, lower level type work such as gardening and janitorial work, a far cry from the prestigious position in life he holds now.

We have found Fernando to be a most geniune and caring spirit and very much appreciate the care and attention he has shown to us!!

Thursday night we shared dinner with Charlie, Becca & Charlie's spanish teacher Carmen. She wanted a English speaking activity and we were happy to oblige. She was even taught 'supercalifragilisticexpalidocious!'

Tonight we will join them again for a night at the theatre, this will be a test of our Spanish!